How does wlw work?

The precise and simple search on the leading B2B marketplace provides professional buyers with reliable and detailed information on various products, services and suppliers every month. In addition to product details with product images, descriptions, delivery times and availability, searchers also receive the relevant contact details of the companies. The up-to-dateness of the data is guaranteed by regular contact with suppliers, manufacturers, dealers and service providers. In addition to the up-to-date database, the intelligent search system also saves time: search terms are matched with around 52,000 categories and their keywords in a matter of seconds. This allows buyers to quickly find the right products and services and the right provider without wasting time. Specific inquiries can also be highlighted directly from the company profile. With its wide range of free functions, for example the “Request for quotation” service, wlw also enables strategic supplier management: This includes searching by radius, location, zip code and by manufacturer, dealer, service provider or wholesaler, or you can submit a request via the “Request for quotes” service and wlw will take care of finding the right suppliers.