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Products and services

Analyzing Your Top Products and Services Performance

In the "Your Products and Services" section, you will find a summary of your top 5 products and services. Here, you can view how often your products are displayed (impressions) and how often their pages are visited.

Analyzing Performance

  • Sort by Performance: To analyze the performance of your offerings, you can sort them by best or weakest performance.
  • Check Status: Verify the current online/offline status of your products and services and see if any items are boosted in rankings.

Navigating Your Portfolio

  • Browse Your Portfolio: Use the navigation arrows to scroll through your entire portfolio for the selected time period.
  • Edit or Add Products and Services: Want to edit or add more products and services? Simply use the link provided in the top right corner to navigate directly to that section.

This structured overview helps you efficiently monitor and enhance the performance of your top products and services, providing you with actionable insights and easy navigation options.


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